How Does In-Home Care Help A Senior With Depression?


As an aging adult reaches a time in their life when they could be deemed as elderly, they often find themselves facing a lot of unwelcome emotions about their situation. Your senior relative may feel down because they are physically unable to do the things they once did or cannot communicate with their loved ones the same, or perhaps because they will be alone more than they've ever been. Hiring an in-home care representative to help care for an aging loved one is always recommended if they need help because of physical limitations. However, in-home care can also be effective if a senior is struggling with depression. Here is a look at why that is the case. 

They have someone to chat with on a daily basis. 

Senior citizens are not as busy with work, taking care of children, or other things that keep younger generations on the go. Therefore, they are often left without anyone to converse with for long periods of the day, and that alone can leave them feeling depressed. By hiring an in-home care agent, your relative has someone stopping by on a daily basis who will not only help them out with their needs, but converse with them, listen to them, and keep them communicating. 

They have less worry about being a burden for you. 

One of the biggest reasons an aging adult feels depressed is because they do not want to be a burden on their family members. They may not be able to cook for themselves, dress themselves, or get to doctor's visits without help. Knowing that they are handing you more responsibility can be overwhelmingly depressing for some individuals. However, if you have an in-home care agent who handles all these necessary chores and tasks, your loved one will not feel they are burdening you with their needs. 

They have something to look forward to every day. 

A lot of in-home care agents are specifically trained to build a good relationship with the clients they care for because the elderly clients do need that to feel they trust the individual in their home. Because great care is taken to build that sense of trust and a good relationship, the senior individual grows to look forward to their in-home care visits every day. Having something to look forward to every day is one of the easiest ways to combat a sense of worthlessness and depression for an aging loved one. 

For more information, contact local in-home care services like Tender Care, Inc


6 July 2018

home care aids for more than just the elderly

In the past, when I thought about home health care, I pictured an elderly man or woman stuck in bed just waiting to take his or her final breath. What I have recently learned is that there are people of all ages that can benefit from home health care specialists. When my niece was diagnosed with a rare liver disorder, our family rallied and did everything possible to make the new way of life as easy for my sister as possible. We spent hours over at her house helping with the baby, but then, my sister said she didn't need us as much --She had hired a home care aid. I hope this helps you in the future.